Here are just some of the types of help that Bottom-line Ownership and Management Services ™ (BOMS) offers your organisation:
Please note: These are profit-bearing investments. The cost of these services are more than repaid by your improved bottom-line. (e.g. In just the first three months as a GM, my annual wages were covered by the improvements I made. All the other improvements and tasks I did there were over-the-top benefits to them.)Technical and Commercial Writing
- Strong background in science, medicine, computing, and
- Procedure manuals, operators' guides, service references, and forms.
- Press releases, policy statements, reports, submissions,
and adverts.
- Training and assessment materials, and presentations.
- Have strong skills in "making the complex easy to understand".
- Significant projects are double-checked by a professional journalist/writer.
- Desired reading levels ensured by "readability assessment" programs.
- Website design and authoring. Please click here to see the templates currently available. (Note: Carl personally wrote the content of this BOMS website.)
- Analysis of the organisation's skill requirements.
- Assessment of current staffing competencies.
- Design of ad-hoc and ongoing training systems.
- Development of new training and assessment materials, or improvement of current materials.
- Delivery of training and/or assessment, either on-site or off-site.
- Also known as executive leasing.
- For peak periods, owner/staff absences, and emergencies.
- Availability depending upon current circumstances.
- For "in-between sized" firms, busy seasons, and mentoring of owner/manager.
- Availability depending upon current circumstances.
- Comparing your firm against standards and competitors.
- Finding areas of excellence, and issues for improvement.
- Also recommend, implement, and evaluate improvements.
- For improvements, expansions, and new creations.
- As a team member or as a solo project manager.
- New projects and project rescues.
- For overseas firms starting/operating in Australia.
- For Aussie firms starting/operating overseas.
- For preparation stages, new entrants, and established situations.
- 23 years in Australia, 29 years in the USA, 4.5 years in New Zealand, and 2 years in Japan.
- Production, IT, office, data, and other systems.
- Capable in quantitative-management and operations-research.
- For a wide range of industries, fields, and applications.
- Capable in technical, quantitative, and qualitative studies.
- Experienced, knowledgeable, and (importantly) impartial.
- Coordinate on your behalf, not sell you the equipment and/or services.
- Electronic and physical systems.
- Creating new quality systems, or resolving established problems.
- Depending on availability.
- In coordination with your own in-house or external accountant.
- Services similar to the ones above, but not specifically mentioned.
- Please contact BOMS, to discuss your particular needs.